
Mindful.of sights and sounds

Mindful of sights and sounds

Wonder why you just don't feel quite right? Agitated or anxious without really knowing why?  It could simply be because your mind and body and disconnected.

Our mind wanders, it overthinks and it exaggerates. It can control us without our knowledge if we allow it.  Reconnecting mind and body into the present moment helps to feel more grounded and balanced. We can take charge of our monkey mind by redirecting our attention back to the present moment.  Breathwork anchors us in the here and now, as does becoming aware of the sights and sounds around us. 

Why would we use this quick and easy technique?

To reduce stress, rumination, worry and anxiety.  These unhelpful mental habits can lead to chronic health issues if unaddressed and left to grow. They can quickly become our automatic thinking patterns.  Your body and emotions react to what your mind is saying. Your mental states become your neural traits. Choose your thoughts wisely.

The more we practice training our brain to keep come back into the present moment, the stronger this neural pathway of mindful attention and awareness will become.   Over time it will become your helpful automatic way of thinking which will lead to a happier and healthier you. 

Becoming aware of your automatic mental habits is the first step in changing unhelpful patterns to helpful ones that nourish and boost your wellbeing.

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