
Mindfulness "What is is, Why try it"

Welcome to my first blog post! Really out of my comfort zone and it feels great! So to begin let's just clarify what the buzz about mindfulness is and why.
In this digitally dominated and fast-paced world we live in it's hard not to get sucked into and dragged along the conveyor belt of life. There doesn't seem to be an off switch. We are constantly accessible 24/7 and if not disciplined and aware we may never get downtime. This is especially true for self-employed and those working from home.
Mindfulness is a way of being. Living fully immersed in the present moment, accepting it without judgment and with compassion and kindness. This means keeping your mind and senses connected to what's happening right now. How often are we in a conversation and not really listening but planning what we want to say. Or we arrive at our destination and really have no conscious recollection of how we got there....ah autopilot.
From the moment we get up we are thinking of and planning what's ahead. Well, that's all fine and good unless it develops into overthinking and our monkey mind starts creating stories and exaggerating ifs, maybes and buts. This can spiral out of control and the chimp has won. Causing unnecessary stress and anxiety and putting you into an agitated and tense state of being.
So, being mindful, drawing ourselves back into the present moment over and over again minimizes the chimp taking over and wreaking havoc in our mind. Being aware of our thoughts and where they are - past - present or future helps us to train our mind to stay more fully present, inducing calm and clarity.
This is a practice, a habit that can change your life forever and we are here to guide you to living in a mindful way. Observe your thoughts and see where your chimp takes you this week!

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