

So we know that kindness makes us happy and happiness makes us kind.  There is actually a chemical reaction in our brain when we are kind. Feel good hormones seratonin, oxytocin and endorphins are released in the brain when we are kind.  It has a positive effect on the recipient and witnesses to the act of kindness. It is also contagious.  This is incredible news and holds great potential for positive social change.  

This month a school in Cork, Ireland replaced homework with performing random acts of kindness for the entire month.  What an incredible initiative.  Doing this with intention for one month will undoubtedly have a great impact on the students and the many recipients of their kindness. As we become what we think, feel and do this "kindness drive" will produce a happy, pro social and uplifted community.  As the children experience the personal and social benefits they will undoubtedly wish to continue to ride the kindness wave more often.  

Kindness shifts the heart and mind and positively impacts our wellbeing and that of others.  They say the best things in life are free and kindness certainly ticks that box.  

So, let's give our wellbeing a boost and focus on kindness.